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Banwy Valley, wales blogging cafe life Community countryside Freelance writer heritage railway History History of steam landscape photographer life style writer mid-wales countryside Photo-journalist photography railway sheep steam locomotive steam trains the railway children trains travel travel writer UK Uncategorized wales welshpool Welshpool and Llanfair light railway writer writing

Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway

As the historic steam locomotive, ‘The Earl,’ left the station the chugging sound gradually increased, which can only be described as a child making a woo-woo sound—and let’s admit it, most adults do that, too. The station master blew his whistle, and a cloud of steam appeared. I’m on one of the great little trains …

art in cafes blogger blogging cafe life church stretton landscape photographer mums in cafes photography shropshire travel writer writing

Blakeman’s Cafe in Church Stretton

Blakeman’s cafe is cosy and rustic but airy due to the high ceiling and window, letting in lots of light. But if you prefer a darker, more intimate corner, you’ll find a comfy sofa and an open fireplace at the back of the cafe. Fantastic art for sale from local artists fills the walls, and …

art in cafes Bishops Castle blogger blogging cafe life Cookery Indican cuisine sheep shropshire The Chai Shop Traditional Indian cuisine travel writer writing

The Chai Shop

It was a door I’d wanted to pop my head around for a while, so I did just that on my recent visit to Bishops Castle. Tahira looked up from her cooking pot and towards me standing in the doorway and said, come in and have a seat; we are just discussing art. Well, how …